V Slovenščini - Raporttipohja sloveeniksi

Aloittaja JJH, 25.07.2012 - 22:07

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Sloveeninkielisen raporttipohjan sivustollemme toimitti PUL, josta suuren suuret kiitokset Pentille! Todellista DX-Spirit:ä :)


Z veseljem vam sporocam, da sem na frekvenci [frequency] ujel program
vašega radia! Slišal sem vas na Finskem, [day]. [month] letos. Ne s
pomocjo interneta ampak navadnega FM radia! Moje ime je [nimi], in živim v [city].
Lovim valove tujih radijskih postaj - kot sem ujel vašo. Nekateri
izmed nas se osredotocajo na poslušanje tocno dolocenih programov
tujih in domacih radijskih postaj, drugi jih poskušajo ujeti cimvec po svetu.
Mene predvsem zanima lovljenje novih postaj. Poslušati programe tujih
radijskih postaj je kot potovati po svetu, brez da bi bilo potrebno
kam zares oditi.

Zelo sem bil navdušen, ko sem slišal program vaših frekvenc. Ne dogaja
se pogosto, da bi se program lokalnih postaj slišal pri nas. V
poletnih se sicer v csaih zgodi, da se sliši program radijske postaje
s tako visoko frekvenco. Zgodi se, da FM signal zadane visoko
ionizirajoco atmosfersko plast in se odbije nazaj na Zemljo. Lahko se
zgodi, da signal na ta nacin potuje tudi do 2500 kilometrov dalec.

Zelo sem vesel, da se je to zgodilo prav zdaj!
Kljub temu, da vaš program ni namenjen mednarodnemu obcinstvu upam, da
se vam bo zdelo zanimivo, da ga je mogoce poslušati stotine kilometrov

Vljudno vas prosim, da preberete porocilo in poslušate mp3 datoteke,
ki sem jo priložil. Ce podatki na mojem porocilu držijo, bom zelo
vesel, ce mi boste poslali potrdilo - po elektronski ali navadni pošti. To bi
bil zares lep spomin na dan, ko smo se srecali na radijskih valovih!

Recepcija porocila:
ura 12:01: pesem z naslovom "Title"
ura 12:04: reklama za "DDD"
ura 12:05: postajo identifikacija "Radio NN"

Lep pozdrav,

L. Istener


I am pleased to inform you that I am at a frequency of [frequency]
caught your radio program! I heard you in Finland, [day]. [Month] this
year. Not using the Internet but an ordinary FM radio!
My name is [name] and I live in [place]. I catch the waves of foreign
radio stations - as I caught yours. Some of us focus on listening,
defined programs, foreign and domestic radio stations, the other
trying to catch them as widely as possible throughout the world. I am
particularly interested in catching the new stations. To listen to the
programs of foreign radio stations is such as travel the world,
without it being necessary to really go somewhere.

I was very excited when I heard your program frequencies. It does not
happen often that a program of local stations is heard here. It is in
the summer that one happens to hear a program of radio station with
such a high frequency. It may happen that the FM signal hits the
highly ionizised atmospheric layer and is reflected back to Earth. It may be,
that the signal in this way also travel up to 2500 kilometers. I am
very happy that it happened right now!

Despite the fact that your program is not intended for an
international audience, I hope that you will find it interesting that
it is possible to listen to hundreds of miles away.
We kindly ask you to read the report and listen to the mp3 file, which
I enclose. If the data in my report are correct, I'll be very happy if
you send me a certificate - by e-mail or by post. That would be really
nice memory of the day, when we met on the airwaves!

Reception report:

hour 12:01: song with the title "Title"
hour 12:04: advertisement for "DDD"
hour 12:05: station identification "Radio NN"

Best Regards,

L. Istener
QTH: Jyväskylä (KP22VG) - Romppeet: FM/HF: AirSpy HF+, RTL-SDR - Antennit: Triax FM-3. HF: YouLoop, MiniWhip CB: CRE-8900, President Harry II Classic. RHA68: Hunter F1 Extend Range